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Worldwide Youth Multimedia Contest 9. hely: Szalai Rebeka

2017. április 28. | utolsó módosítás: 2020. szeptember 26., 02:36

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Szalai Rebeka, iskolánk végzős tanulója az UNESCO USA által meghirdetett Worldwide Youth Multimedia Contest-jén írásával 9. helyezést ért el.

„UNESCO’s mission is to mobilize the optimism of youth to respond to an acute world problem to serve others now.” – ez az egyik első mondat a felhívás szövegében. Az UNESCO minden évben meghirdet, több korosztályban egy médiaversenyt. Minden évben más és más témákat adnak, amelyeket a diákok maguk dolgoznak fel különböző eszközök segítségével, de többnyire videóval és írásokkal pályáznak. Tavaly például a 20 fenntartható fejlődési cél egyikéről lehetett írni vagy videót készíteni, míg idén a menekültek voltak a téma. A világ 76 országából érkeztek be idén pályázatok, Nigériából, Indiából, Dél-Koreából, Malajziából is, és Magyarországról is. Idén sikerült Rebekának bejutni a legjobb tíz közé.

Az alábbi linken olvasható az eredmények listája, és a helyezettek munkája is megtekinthető (Rebeka munkája keretes írásunkban is olvasható):


Worldwide Youth Multimedia Contest 9. hely: Szalai Rebeka

I smiled at a lot of people and all of them smiled back

Do not ask why is a sixteen-year-old girl in the middle of the refugee crises in Budapest. Ask people why form under sixteen-year-old children a part of refugees.

In my diary I writed, and I also said, these were the happiest days of my life. We did not speak the same language, we came from different countries, we went away to different places but there was a meeting point of our life in august 2015 when we met.

It was summer in Budapest. We heard the news, refugees are in Budapest. People started to have a quarrel, to berate each other, they created their own opinion about it, stigmatized each other, made hate speech and the others just went to the Keleti (East) and Nyugati (West) Railway Station to help somehow. The world news talked about one of the capital of an Eastern-European country. Reports, articles, videos were made, criticizing or encouraging but everyone had an opinion. We were in the spotlight for a few days.

We just listened all these news as if it did not happen around us, as if there were more than a few subway station what separate us. I prepared for a competition, the others worked, people lived their everyday life without that the news meant more than words. Words, it depended on a few words that I did not go to the cinema instead of the Keleti Railway Station on 26. august 2015. „Hi, listen, I am here at the Keleti, come if you want.” The story started here.

I met them. People with suffering, wounds, memories. Adults, women, men, children, boys, girls alined for food what we divided between them. We played, we talked, we sang, we were jus humans, together.

Do you know what is hard? To face that how everyday life can turn to a runaway from the war. An Iranian guy told about how much he loved physics, mathematics, biologie. He frequented a science school in Iran. He learned english by using the internet like all teenager. But his family was forced to flee their home and go to Afganistan, then he came here alone. He was younger than me.

Firstly I met Halud. We blowed bubbles together, we caught them. She was so happy to have someone who plays with her. Next day Jaha came and I will never forget how big smile she had after all that she survived. We played with balls, we run around, we laughed and we painted flowers for each other because there were big flowers around their house. When Jaha came to me for saying good bye she said: „Germany, hi.” I did not know where these girls come from and where they will live or will I see them again but I hoped these two words meant a beginning of a happy new life.

I was there all the day on 31. August and there was a heat. A day before school started. It was exhausting, there were too many people and was a big chaos. But I still remember every moment of it. I accompanied a group from the trains to the place where they can get food and then I started to play. There were many children more than the other days. A hungarian volunteer played in guitar and we danced in a round with the children. Suddenly a guy who was at the same age as me asked me to dance. He came from Syria and spoke enough good in english. He started to tell about himself.

Since then he has not finished to telling stories. We write every day, we talk, we worry about each other and we support each other. We learn, spend time with friends, read. It is not like have a refugee friend, more like have a friend who is a refugee.

No one’s story finish here but I learned some important things. We have to give as easily as the refugee children gave the candies and the chocolate in my hand. People not just say but it is true that when we help someone the biggest gift what we can get is a big smile on the face.

Nevertheless the most momentous thought what we have to impress on the mind that is independently of everything we have to help every human being as we can.

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